Another dose of fire straight from the vault. While Chris Bushnell’s style is mercurial, this song falls right into our crosshairs as an anthem-level trap tune. The build suits the song incredibly well as it does not reveal too much and allows the quirkiness of the chorus to not sound out of place. One thing that surprises is the 12 note hold during that sequence. You would think that playing the same note this many times would sound obnoxiously repetitious, but it works. And how?

There is a deceptive simplicity to the song. Sure, there are not a lot of layers going on at any given time, but there are some really complex percussive transitions. The industrial sounds are one of the things we love about this–see the “hammering/forging” sounds around 0:22.

Chris Bushnell is a tough one to pin down. Historically he released tracks annually, but since February 2018 he’s been silent. And not just with releases, all of his social media accounts went dark at that time, some earlier. Given his slower release schedule it’s possible he’s just on hiatus. It’s also possible that he’s producing under an alias for another project.

Holly, on the other hand, is still going strong having released his Avenal 2500 EP just a couple weeks ago. Foreign [Ft. Young Lyxx & Young Sidechain] is my favorite track on the EP despite not getting much love thus far.

Together, Chris and Holly made something incredible. It’s natural to want to see them collaborate further so we could have more songs of this caliber, but sometimes it’s just a perfect storm of contributing factors that come together and manifest in musical gold like this.