I thought long and hard (phrasing, boom) about what the inaugural post for Arcane Discord should be and came to the conclusion that “Like a G6” would be the perfect kickoff. My relationship with “Like a G6” is analogous to my relationship with this newly founded blog. It is my hope that this blog brings fresh tracks to those with refined, yet esoteric music tastes, and part of that duty requires foresight and an ability to discover content before the general masses. “Like a G6” was undoubtedly the most prominent song that I “discovered” early. I can fondly recall conversations with those whom I pestered with the song recounting their having heard it on the radio in acknowledgment that it had indeed become the song of 2011. As a curator, critic, dj, or whatever you choose to call us, our job is simple and derivative, but there is a certain pleasure in being able to share something that is appreciated by the recipient. So please (re)enjoy this track which needs no introduction.

Regarding the video, you can see a halo-esque reflection in the sunglasses of the performers. This is a ring light mounted around the circumference of the camera lens. These types of lenses are used primarily for close-up fasion and macro photography; by distributing the light, it creates a softer appearance and avoids creating harsh shadows on the face or small objects. In the video it is used for visual effect, but is likely supplemented with additional lighting.

This song is largely credited to the Far East Movement for their vocal additions, but Dev and The Cataracs are also prominent contributors. The Cataracs are responsible for the production and in a self-conducted interview you can hear Cyrano (of the Cataracs) talk about how simple the creation process was (https://youtu.be/qCKZzx6iwlE?t=41).