Moooorty *burp* What, what you workin’ on Morty? 

Ooooh I dunno Rick, it’s not really, I mean it’s just a thing–

Holy shit, Morty, that’s actually a really good song. I mean, normally *burp* you’re incapable of even the most basic functions, but credit where credit’s due. This is some sick shizzz!

Terrible Rick & Morty references aside, “Gonna Love” by Moorty is one of those songs that I couldn’t get out of my head–it didn’t take long before I knew I had to share it on A[D].

Moorty, formerly known as Moomimurr, has been releasing songs through Your Secret and Chinchilla. Despite the lack of a formal credit, there’s strong evidence to suggest that the vocalist is Sunnie Williams, but don’t quote me on that.

“Gonna Love” has the quintessential electropop vibe to help any get-together stay upbeat. It’s a little bit busy, but doesn’t take long before you can embrace it fully.