Update (2019/2/1 – 15:56): Believe it or not, Justin Caruso has actually changed the song since it’s been released; there are now 2 versions of the song floating around. The one in the embedded SoundCloud player below is the new version. The chorus has been amped up, but I prefer the more laid-back original. You can distinguish between the two versions by the intro. Here is a link to the old version if you’re interested.

What a banger. Well, I would call this “Electropop,” so consider it electropop’s version of a banger. Regardless, I’d be shocked, shocked I tell you, if you don’t hit repeat on this song at least once. To be honest, the original by Anna Clendening did not need much refining–the overall formula remains. Justin Caruso does a solid job of upping the production value of the chorus by adding limited chops and cuts while slight tweaks to the tempo to modernize the beat. Addition of percussion elements and mid tones via wind instruments are sublime. One thing that I respect about Justin Caruso’s remixing is that he preserves a lot of the original vocals. Occasionally you will hear a producer alter or cut the original vocals to the point where all that remains are a few bars of the chorus. And by keeping the tempo near Anna’s version, we end up with a final product that’s actually 30 seconds longer thanks to the instrumental intro. So check it out for yourself below. The original is also linked so that you can see the additions that Justin Caruso has made.