Featured image: Deelyle

Collaborations are a funny thing. Though it’s not important to us as listeners, the dynamics of a collaboration can be very complex. Sometimes the two artists come together and their competencies fit together like puzzle pieces; most commonly this takes the form of one handling the instrumental and the other doing the vocals. In the case where a vocalist is not featured the dynamic can be a bit more confusing–it’s not clear where one artist’s style ends and the other begins.

In “Prism,” we have a little of both. The vocals here are signature Deelyle. This would lead us to believe that KDrew handled the backing track. However, from Deelyle’s introductory album ERA we know that he is capable of pumping out catchy tunes (although it’s possible that he was using a third-party producer for assistance). What we do know is that the presentation suggests KDrew took lead: his name comes first and his silhouette is featured more prominently in the album art.

We love the outcome. It fits great into any playlist which emphasizes inducing goose bumps. And we would say that experience is the most prominent feature of a good song: the ability to alter your emotional state. In this case, KDrew and Deelyle use “Prism” to elevate your mood to new levels of awesome.

Things we like: The intro is exceptionally strong and grand. Deelyle’s vocals fit the instrumental character well and are crisp.

Things we’d tweak: The song features a few sweeping sirens throughout. The general idea is that they add depth to the song, but if the song is enjoyed while driving, the sirens can cause undue stress and panic.