Oh snap, this song. When I cruise through my feeds looking for new music I do so like a jittery hummingbird. “Any nectar? Nope, move on. How about here? Nope, move on.” I’ve found that the best way for me quickly determine if a song is worth listening to involves playing 3-4 seconds from 1/3 into the song. That doesn’t sound very thorough (because it’s not) but when I’m checking 50-60 songs per sitting it pays to be efficient.

After clicking through to my usual spot for a quick sampling of the music, it only took me a second to figure out that this was something special. I’m running out of fresh adjectives to describe these songs, but “heavy” really fits it best.

The song is called “Tyson” and features samples from the boxer’s interviews and press conferences played over an outstandingly epic track. There are also some samples peppered throughout like the screech of a hawk which I think add to the overall experience. It’s one of those songs that I enjoy not only because I think it’s good but also because I think other people (normies) won’t like it. They can have their pop music and reality TV while we bump songs like this and seize the day.