Boom! Yes, this is 100% what we needed right now. And it couldn’t be more fitting: two relatively undiscovered artists with a hard-hitting tour de force in the electronic/trap genre. You may argue that this isn’t trap as you know it, but we have to call it something. So what would you suggest?

Progression is the name of the game for “Whiplash.” As I see it, the first 2:40 of the song serves as an intro for the mind rattling onslaught of sound that is the second chorus. A moment of particular interest is the synth spike at 1:46 which serves as a little preview for what’s to come. They could have easily copied that into the following measure, but the solitary placement gives it more mystery. That being said, I’m not sure there’s really much that could prepare you for the assault on the senses that occurs in the second half. From the wacky percussion, you can tell that these guys have had extensive time on a TR-808.

Who are our collaboration heroes? Both are producers our of the Los Angeles area, presumably close friends. SAKA has had a bit of a head start and has been on the scene for about a year now. It’ll be interesting to see how Brakebill shapes his career as his work still appears to be in the formative stages. Rest assured, we’ll keep an eye out.